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Google’s Most Asked Sleep Questions Answered

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out answers from the experts at Bed Kingdom to Google’s most asked sleep questions.

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I don’t know how many times I’ve written about, tweeted (X‘d?) about, and generally complained about my problems with sleeping, but suffice to say it’s a regular grumble in my life. I either struggle to go to sleep because my head is full of noise, or I wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling for hours on end trying to convince myself to go back to sleep.

Good Night Sleep Aromatherapy Kit
Good Night Sleep Aromatherapy Kit

I’m always looking to learn more about sleeping, and curious about what other people struggle with, so a recent study by sleep experts at Bed Kingdom piqued my interested. After conducting analysis of search volumes for various terms and queries relating to sleep within the past 12 months, they were able to determine the most searched-for sleep question from across the globe, and were kind enough to send over their research and their answers!

Google’s Most Asked Sleep Questions

“How can I fall asleep faster?” – 215,000 monthly global searches.

According to the analysis, the most frequently searched sleep-related query on the Internet is “How can I fall asleep faster?” which is searched globally on average 215,000 times per month.

Melatonin is a key; it is the chemical emitted by the pineal gland, and an absence of melatonin is one probably reason you can’t nod off quickly.

Melatonin is impacted by inconsistent sleep patterns. Waking up and nodding off at different times can confuse your circadian rhythm; your body’s interior clock. Your circadian rhythm directs the arrival of melatonin, the sleep hormone, so without a steady sleep and wake cycle, the body will be confused and not know when to deliver the hormone. Maintaining a regular sleeping pattern can assist you with nodding off more quickly at bed time.

TVs, phones, and tablets are examples of light sources that have an impact on melatonin; As a result, you should not use these devices before going to bed. Because the pineal gland secretes melatonin in response to darkness, a dark room is ideal for melatonin production.

One more method to help you with falling asleep more quickly is to use relaxation strategies like PMR (progression muscle relaxation). This method improves rest and the ability to cope with anxiety by focusing on muscles instead of intrusive thoughts. Close your eyes, and concentrate on tensing and relaxing individual body muscles to help you relax and fall asleep.

“How much sleep do you need?” – 105,000 monthly global searches.  

How much rest an individual requires relies upon their age, medical issue, and past sleep quality.

Babies need at least 12-16 hours of sleep day to day, including naps. Generally, babies will be snoozing more than they are alert, as sleep is fundamental for their development. As a child ages, the hours of rest they need will reduce; toddlers will require between 11-14 hours of sleep, including naps, 3-5-year-olds, need 10-13 hours of rest. 6-12-year-olds will need 9-12 hours of rest, and 13-18-year-olds require 8-10 hours.

Grown-ups need at least seven hours sleep. The older you get, the more hours of sleep you will require as your sleeping patterns change. Older adults tend to sleep more lightly, experience difficulty with falling asleep, or will wake up several times.

Pregnant women will need something like 8-10 hours of rest, which is essential for the child’s and mother’s wellbeing. Those poorly with a cold or flu will need no less than 7-9 hours of rest, which helps the body to recover.

“What is sleep paralysis?” – 90,900 monthly global searches.

When REM sleep is disrupted, typically when one is waking up or falling asleep, a condition known as sleep paralysis can develop. Some people will only experience it once or twice in their lifetime, and it is not harmful.

Various things can occur during rest loss of motion, however the most well-known thing is the feeling of paralysis where you can’t move, talk or even open your eyes.

When you experience this paralysis, you might feel scared, as though somebody is in the room with you or something is pushing you down, however don’t worry because these feelings will go away in couple of minutes.

Although it has been linked to insomnia, narcolepsy, PTSD, and disturbed sleeping patterns, the cause of sleep paralysis is unknown. If you get around seven hours of sleep a night, keep a predictable rest design, and get normal activity. 

“Why can’t I sleep?” – 89,900 monthly global searches. 

 While this question is highly subjective, and a doctor ought to evaluate people with insomnia, there are a couple of likely reasons regarding the reasons why somebody can’t sleep.

Probable causes are stress and anxiety, and consumption of caffeine or liquor. If you drink a lot of alcohol it can mess up your sleeping patterns, so try to reduce or completely stop, and try not to drink caffeine later in the day.

Another explanation could be the space you’re sleeping in being an uncomfortable environment. If your bed isn’t comfortable, invest in comfy bedding and pillows to improve your sleep. 

“What is sleep apnoea?” – 80,900 monthly global searches. 

Sleep apnoea is a disorder which causes your breathing to stop and start while you sleep, and it can be dangerous if not diagnosed properly and treated.   

Symptoms of sleep apnea include gasping, snorting, making choking sounds, snoring louldy, and frequently waking up in the night. People who suffer from sleep apnoea often feel tired and have headaches or mood swings through the day.   

If you think you have sleep apnoea, book in with your GP so they can refer you to a specialist sleep clinic for tests. Sleep apnoea can be treated with a CPAP Machine, where you wear a mask overnight which pumps air into your mouth or nose while you sleep.


Sleep Issues

Unfortunately, sleep issues and disorders are becoming more and more common due to people leading more stressful lifestyles. Inadequate sleep over time can increase your risk of chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression. Therefore, having a night-time routine and getting adequate sleep every night is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle.

-Bed Kingdom


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