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JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

I’m JJ Barnes, and I wear many hats: author, filmmaker, and most importantly, a proud and perpetually exhausted parent. In this blog, I explore a variety of topics that interest me including fashion, health, travel, home, motherhood and gift guides for different occasions.

Whether you’re a parent yourself, a curious observer, or simply someone looking for a good read, I hope you’ll find something here that resonates. I try to update my content several times a week, so keep checking back to find something new!

I’m always open to collaborating with brands that share my passion for creating something special. So if you’re looking for a blog to share your work on, I am open to content creating, guest posting and link insertions for relevant information that suits the interests of myself and my audience.

I post regularly, and share all my content across a variety of social media platforms, so if anything catches your eye either leave a comment here or come and chat on one my social links. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • How To Get Children To Sleep In The Summer Holidays

    How To Get Children To Sleep In The Summer Holidays

    I’ve been diving into the world of summer sleep strategies. Buckle up, fellow parents, because with the help of bed furnishings expert Ashley Hainsworth of Bed Kingdom we’re about to explore some tips to help our little energizer bunnies finally hit the hay (and stay there!).

  • Top Tips For Summer Shoes SOS

    Top Tips For Summer Shoes SOS

    As the summer sun blazes down, our feet often take the brunt of the scorching temperatures. Stuffed into shoes and socks, they can quickly become a sweaty, smelly battleground. Don’t resign yourself to a summer of discomfort! Today, I’m diving into some top Summer SOS shoe tips to combat sweat, odour, and premature wear and…

  • Best Ways To Dress In A Heatwave

    Best Ways To Dress In A Heatwave

    Today, I’m diving into the world of heatwave dressing, exploring tips and tricks to keep you cool, comfy, and looking your best all summer long. So, grab your shades, a refreshing drink, and let’s get started on crafting your perfect heatwave wardrobe!

  • Top Tips To Keep Children Safe On Social Media

    Top Tips To Keep Children Safe On Social Media

    Join me as I dive into the digital age, researching the best ways to keep my children safe while still allowing them to explore this vibrant online world. I’ll share tips, tricks, and resources to help you navigate the complexities of social media parenting with confidence.

  • Interior Design Tips To Improve Mental Health

    Interior Design Tips To Improve Mental Health

    Hammer in hand, paint-splattered dreams swirling in my head – that’s the current state of affairs at my house! We’re deep in the throes of a renovation project, and while the chaos is enough to make anyone’s head spin, I’m determined to create a space that not only looks good but also fosters a sense…

  • Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

    Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

    Join me as I explore five refreshing drinks packed with vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for keeping you cool, energized, and ready to conquer all the adventures summer throws your way!

  • Top SEO Tips For Small Business

    Top SEO Tips For Small Business

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.On the JJ Barnes Blog, to help support and encourage my fellow entrepreneurs, I share top SEO tips for small business owners, and the SEO myths that you should ignore. Running a small business is a whirlwind – you’re the head chef, marketing guru, and tech wiz…

  • When Should You Get A New Mattress?

    When Should You Get A New Mattress?

    Mattresses, like all good things, don’t last forever. They lose their support, their comfort wanes, and eventually, they can even start affecting your sleep quality and overall health. So when should you get a new mattress?

  • Tips To Get The Most Out Of A Small Garden This Summer

    Tips To Get The Most Out Of A Small Garden This Summer

    So we can make the most out of gardens, no matter the size, I’m sharing tricks and tips to turn your garden into a summer hangout you’ll love.

  • Top Tips For Kitchen Designs

    Top Tips For Kitchen Designs

    For many of the rooms I have a clear idea in my head for the looks I want to achieve. The smell of paint is fresh in the air and I’m feeling a great sense of accomplishment when every job is completed. However, for my kitchen I am stumped. I love to cook, and I…

  • Protect Your Home: Essential Tips To Prevent Theft And Catch A Thief

    Protect Your Home: Essential Tips To Prevent Theft And Catch A Thief

    Because I care deeply about keeping my home and my family safe, I wanted to take a deep dive into home security. I’ll be exploring a range of strategies to deter would-be burglars, and how to maximize the chances of catching the culprit and restoring peace of mind should the worst happen.

  • Summer Fashion Inspired By Mamma Mia!

    Summer Fashion Inspired By Mamma Mia!

    Summer’s finally here, and the urge to crank up the ABBA, grab my besties, and frolic on a sunny Greek island is practically irresistible. While I can’t actually achieve the travel part, I wondered if I could channel that Mamma Mia! spirit into my everyday summer wardrobe. So, I embarked on a mission to discover…

  • Top Tips For Summer Skincare

    Top Tips For Summer Skincare

    Summer’s here (for the most part) which means it’s time for barbecues in the garden, excursions to the beach, and soaking up the sunshine on dog walks through the countryside. But with that glorious sunshine comes the challenge of keeping our skin healthy and happy as increased sweating, clogged pores, and potential sun damage become…

  • Best Sex Toy For Your Star Sign

    Best Sex Toy For Your Star Sign

    While many of us use astrology to guide us in love and life, can it also be used to guide us in pleasure? To find out, I decided to take a deep dive into the cosmos to unearth the sex toy that perfectly complements your star sign. Get ready to unleash your inner sex kitten…

  • Wedding Gift Etiquette And Gift Guide

    Wedding Gift Etiquette And Gift Guide

    With the help of Matt Jones, CEO of WonderDays, I’ll break down the essential dos and don’ts of wedding gifting, from deciphering a registry to navigating cash contributions. But that’s not all! Feeling a little uninspired by the registry options? Don’t fret! I’ve also compiled a gift idea list so you can show up to…

  • Learning Answers To Popular Finance Questions

    Learning Answers To Popular Finance Questions

    I took some of the most popular and common questions about personal finance to Nina Appelgren, personal finance expert at Lånea, to demystify some of the confusion around finances and provide guidance on how to make the most of your money.  

  • How To Maintain Your Goal Weight And Not Gain It Back

    How To Maintain Your Goal Weight And Not Gain It Back

    Remember back in January when I declared 2024 the year I’d finally prioritize my health and fitness? Well, guess what? It’s actually been sticking! I’ve been feeling stronger, more energized, and nourishing my insides with loads of health food. But with all this progress, a new question popped into my head: how do I keep…

  • How To Reduce Screen Time Before Bed

    How To Reduce Screen Time Before Bed

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.On the JJ Barnes Blog, I discover the true damage of screen time before bed, and top tips for how to reduce it and break the habit. Screen Time Before Bed Confession time: my phone is basically an extension of my arm. I check it first thing…

  • Ten Low To No Cost Shoe Hacks

    Ten Low To No Cost Shoe Hacks

    You know that sinking feeling when your favourite shoes start to show signs of wear and tear? I decided to explore the world of low-to-no-cost shoe hacks; simple and cost-effective measures, you can keep your favourite shoes looking and feeling fresher for longer.  With a little creativity and these handy tips, you can extend the…

  • How Small Businesses Can Improve Their SEO

    How Small Businesses Can Improve Their SEO

    Whether you’re a baker with the most delicious cupcakes on the planet or a blogger crafting thought-provoking content, strong SEO is the key to unlocking a flood of website traffic. In this post, I’m sharing some of my favorite, actionable tips specifically designed for small businesses and bloggers like you. So grab your metaphorical shovel,…

  • Fashion Inspired By The Tortured Poets Department

    Fashion Inspired By The Tortured Poets Department

    While I don’t have a ticket to the iconic tour, yes I’m gutted, as I’ve previously shared fashion inspired by other Taylor Swift eras, I thought it was time to explore fashion ideas inspired by TTPD too. To help me out, fashion experts at the London-based fabric shop, Dalston Mill Fabrics, sent over a list…

  • How GPS Trackers Can Enhance Personal Safety And Security

    How GPS Trackers Can Enhance Personal Safety And Security

    Personal GPS trackers have become particularly popular, offering an array of features that help people feel more secure and in control of their safety. Much like how dash cams have become essential for vehicle security, personal GPS trackers are now viewed as vital tools for personal safety and self-defense.

  • How To Wear Tennis Inspired Fashion

    How To Wear Tennis Inspired Fashion

    As someone who isn’t particularly fashion forward and mostly lives in leggings and a baggy T-shirt, I thought I ought to get some top tips on how to wear tennis inspired fashion in my day to day life. To help me out, the experts at Zizzi Fashion sent over a list of tennis-inspired fashion ideas…

  • The Best Natural Sleep Remedies

    The Best Natural Sleep Remedies

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out the best natural sleep remedies and how they work in an effort to fight insomnia and get a healthier mind. We all know that a proper sleep routine is essential for overall health and wellbeing, yet millions of us…

  • 8 Habits That Can Extend Your Life

    8 Habits That Can Extend Your Life

    Living a long and healthy life would mean I get to be there to watch my children, and any future grandchildren, grow up. It would mean I get more time to spend time doing things I enjoy, eat food I like, and visit countries I want to explore. Accepting fate can often intervene and crash…

  • 5 Hobbies That Can Earn You Money

    5 Hobbies That Can Earn You Money

    In my eternal quest for self-improvement (and maybe a little financial freedom!), I’ve embarked on a mission to explore the exciting world of turning hobbies into side hustles.

  • How To Avoid Back Pain When Driving

    How To Avoid Back Pain When Driving

    Join me as I delve into the world of back-friendly driving, exploring tips, tricks, and expert advice so that maybe, just maybe, we can reclaim the freedom of the open road (or at least, the supermarket carpark) – pain-free!

  • Choose Sunglasses For Your Face Shape

    Choose Sunglasses For Your Face Shape

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.On the JJ Barnes Blog, as Summer approaches, I check out top tips for how to choose sunglasses for your face shape. As the sun warms our skin and the days grow longer, it’s time to ditch the winter blues and embrace the sunshine! But with those…

  • Best Ways To Get Your Flight Upgraded

    Best Ways To Get Your Flight Upgraded

    Free upgrades on flights are rare, but not a myth. Not every plane is fully booked, and sometimes, a free seat in first class is just waiting to be claimed. What’s more, on quieter flights, airline staff often have to move people into these seats to balance the plane, so you’ve just got to make…

  • Best Foods To Boost Your Libido

    Best Foods To Boost Your Libido

    Remember, a healthy sex life doesn’t have to be a casualty of our busy lives. By incorporating these simple dietary choices, we can all reignite the flame (in a healthy, delicious way) and rediscover the joy of intimacy, no matter how much pressure life throws our way.

  • How To Relieve Eye Strain

    How To Relieve Eye Strain

    If you, like me, spend most of your workday staring at a screen, working on your projects and answering a gazillion emails, then you’ll understand the struggle. But I might have found the answer. The experts at Oakley have sent over a list of simple eye exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine…

  • Top Tips For Pre-Teen Skincare

    Top Tips For Pre-Teen Skincare

    In recent months, there has been a growing concern over pre-teens and teenagers using an excessive amount of luxury skincare products. However, many of these trending products are age-restricted due to the potential damage they may cause to young people’s skin. So I wanted to learn what the truth is, and how I can help…

  • How To Spot Scam TikTok Shops

    How To Spot Scam TikTok Shops

    Before you get swept away by the latest viral product, let’s arm ourselves with knowledge. QR code experts have sent over their top five ways to help shoppers recognize fraud on TikTok Shop and prevent them from losing money as a result of devious practices.  So, grab your virtual shopping cart as we learn how…

  • Best Ways To Style Short Shorts

    Best Ways To Style Short Shorts

    Today, I’m exploring all the different ways to wear short shorts and see if any of them become my new go-to look. To help me out, fashion experts at Boohoo have sent over a helpful guide to making this season’s hottest trend wearable, depending on whether you want to dress them up for breezy evening…

  • What Is Crypto? And Other Questions

    What Is Crypto? And Other Questions

    Recently, the curiosity gnawing at the edges of my knowledge base became too strong to ignore. So, I decided to take the plunge and embark on a quest to understand cryptocurrency – what it is, how it works, and whether it’s all just hype or the future of finance.

  • I Discover Your Star Sign Chocolate, Are You Brave Enough?

    I Discover Your Star Sign Chocolate, Are You Brave Enough?

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.On the JJ Barnes Blog, I discover the best star sign chocolate for every sign of the zodiac to see if I can find the perfect sweet treat, and wonder if I’m brave enough to try it. Are you getting a bit bored of your go-to chocolate…

  • Ways To Prevent Mould In The House

    Ways To Prevent Mould In The House

    Spring is a worrying time for homeowners, renters and landlords, as the rise in temperature can cause mould to grow and spread in homes. Indeed, online searches for “how to clean mould” have skyrocketed by 233% in April, according to data from Google Trends, leaving many homeowners scrambling for solutions.

  • Top Tips For How To Grow Lavender

    Top Tips For How To Grow Lavender

    Confession time: while I absolutely love the scent and look of lavender, my gardening skills are about as impressive as a cactus in the Sahara. Plants seem to wilt under my hesitant touch, leaving me with a graveyard of once-hopeful greenery. However, I’m always looking to learn and improve, so I decided to embark on…

  • The Best TikTok Hacks To Attract Luck

    The Best TikTok Hacks To Attract Luck

    There’s no denying TikTok’s popularity; the platform currently has one billion active users worldwide and while some refer to it for entertainment, others seek advice. Lately, I’ve been diving down the rabbit hole of the hacks promising to attract good luck.

  • Top Five Fashion Essentials This Spring

    Top Five Fashion Essentials This Spring

    Spring is the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe by investing in high quality staples that exude timeless style, but which ones are worth the money? To help me out, experts at Oakley have sent over a list of the five essential investment pieces that will effortlessly elevate your spring looks and serve as the…

  • How To Protect Your Garden Furniture

    How To Protect Your Garden Furniture

    Today, I’ll delve into the best protection methods for all types of materials, from classic wood to modern metal, ensuring your patio oasis remains a source of comfort and style all year round thanks to top tips from Ali Wooldridge, co-founder of luxury garden furniture company, Gardenesque.

  • Top Tips To Keep Your House Safe While On Holiday

    Top Tips To Keep Your House Safe While On Holiday

    In this blog post, I’ll delve into the top tips and tricks to transform your home from a potential target into a fortress of security. So, grab your swimsuit, pack your bags, and get ready to relax – with the knowledge that your home is safe and sound.

  • Is Kimchi Good For Me?

    Is Kimchi Good For Me?

    Is kimchi good for me beyond the taste buds? Can this spicy staple from Korea truly be a superfood? Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into the world of kimchi, exploring its nutritional profile and how to best incorporate it into my diet.

  • Top Tips To Dress For Confidence

    Top Tips To Dress For Confidence

    In this post, I’ll explore key tips and tricks to help you curate a wardrobe that reflects your unique personality and empowers you to project strength, self-assurance, and a whole lot of fabulousness. So, ditch those bulky winter layers, embrace the brighter days ahead, and get ready to unlock your most confident self, one outfit…

  • Natural Ways To Deal With PMS

    Natural Ways To Deal With PMS

    I’m on a mission to find the most effective natural ways to deal with PMS. From dietary tweaks to stress-busting techniques, I’ll explore a range of options that can help us both conquer those pre-period blues and create a more positive experience around menstruation.

  • Unleash Your Wanderlust: How Teaching English Abroad Can Be Your Ticket to Seeing the World

    Unleash Your Wanderlust: How Teaching English Abroad Can Be Your Ticket to Seeing the World

    When Georgie Snape from Teacher’s Friend ( reached out, I knew it was a perfect fit! Georgie offers incredible TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses that can unlock a world of travel and teaching opportunities for anyone with a passion for languages and new cultures.

  • How To Dress Like Taylor Swift’s Eras

    How To Dress Like Taylor Swift’s Eras

    I decided to decipher the style secrets behind each of Taylor’s iconic eras. Whether you’re a fellow Swiftie or simply a fashion enthusiast, this guide will help you channel your inner Taylor and embrace the confidence and creativity that defines her style.

  • Which TikTok Hair Hacks Work?

    Which TikTok Hair Hacks Work?

    The world of TikTok is a treasure trove of beauty trends, and hair is no exception! #HairTok has exploded with life-changing (or so they claim) hacks that promise everything from overnight volume to frizz-free perfection. But can you really achieve salon-worthy results with a DIY approach?

  • Best Spring Nail Art Inspiration

    Best Spring Nail Art Inspiration

    I have always struggled with biting and picking my nails, but, after a lot of work, I’m finally getting my hands looking how I want them, so now it’s time to have fun with it. As the days are getting longer, the birds are singing a little louder, and the promise of warmer weather hangs…

  • How To Protect Your Home From Flood Damage

    How To Protect Your Home From Flood Damage

    The rain this week has been enough to dampen anyone’s spirits, but for some, it might be causing a little more anxiety. Just yesterday I decided to try and mow my back garden due to the break in the rain and found it was so swampy and water logged that I ended up sinking in…

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