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Five Tips To Get Back Into Fitness After A Christmas Break

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out advice from experts at Fitness Volt for how to get my fitness back after an indulgent and relaxing Christmas!

Over Christmas, if you spend time relaxing and indulging in tasty treats with your family and friends like I do, you might also find that getting back into your routine in the new year can be quite the challenge, specifically when it comes to health and fitness. In fact, research shows that one third of Brits admit to doing no exercise at all in December.

However, experts at Fitness Volt have shared five tips for how we can start out preparation early, and why it doesn’t need to be difficult, so we can ease back into a workout routine after the festivities.

Set specific times

Getting yourself back into the right frame of mind is one of the challenges we have to face, so setting a workout schedule is a simple yet effective step. It’s likely that you will find plenty of excuses not to partake in any exercise, so consider your day-to-day schedule and choose your workout slot based on where you have the most free time, this way, you can mentally prepare yourself as well as avoid any excuses that you are too busy. Plus, a planned exercise slot will ensure that your workload won’t take over, as it’s a given that you will be getting back into a busy work routine, too.

Don’t overexert yourself

While pushing yourself is usually encouraged in fitness, don’t push yourself to the extreme, particularly after you’ve had a lot of time relaxing and not exercising at all. Whether it’s weightlifting or cardio, doing too much can cause injuries including muscle strains and tendon injuries. That will make you a lot less capable of meeting your fitness goals.

After time off, it’s natural to not be able to lift as heavy or run as far, so don’t be discouraged. You will soon gain your ability if you stay consistent with your exercise. If you feel yourself giving up, try to commit to five minutes and finish your workout if you don’t feel capable of doing anymore; but with this five-minute rule, it will likely motivate you to do more.

Personalise your workout

Fitness lovers aren’t necessarily all gym-goers, and there’s plenty of workouts which don’t involve the gym. The key is to make it an enjoyable part of your routine again. If you’re a nature enthusiast and wish to do more cardio exercises, get out to your local beach, local park, or even around your neighbourhood for a run or a good walk. If you’ve got a dog, like me, this is the perfect opportunity to get fit!

Alternatively, if you’re into strength training but don’t enjoy the gym, invest in equipment such as dumbbells and kettlebells to work out from the comfort of your own home.

Partner up

Finding a friend with similar fitness goals acts as motivation after some time away. When you don’t feel like exercising, a fitness partner can motivate you, plus, during a workout, your partner can even push you to take it to the next level, such as lifting a slightly heavier weight or increasing the incline setting on the treadmill.

Having a partner also helps you to stay on track of your fitness plan, by recognising any goals that haven’t been met yet. Better yet, it makes it a time to socialise so that you look forward to it more, not to mention your partner can spot you to make your workout safer.

Set short term goals too

It’s always important to think of the long-term result, so plan your workout and figure out which exercises are best suited to your needs. However, long-term goals can get frustrating if you aren’t seeing progress straight away, so you might give up completely. Therefore, you should also set goals over shorter timeframes that are more manageable, and don’t just focus on your appearance. For example, you may wish to become stronger, so a short-term goal for the end of a month could be to increase your squat load by 20 kilograms.

Post-Christmas Fitness

“When it comes to Christmas, the last thing that needs to be on our minds is working out – it’s a time that we wish to be spending with family and friends, and it’s important to make the most of that,” said a spokesperson from Fitness Volt. “However, it can be difficult to find our motivation to get back into it from some time off. Thankfully, there are simple steps that can increase your ambition again as well as make your workout more enjoyable to ensure that you can stick to your fitness routine in the new year and, as a result, enjoy the Christmas festivities without feeling guilty.”

The research was conducted by Fitness Volt which is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to Strength Sports, from healthy eating to exercise and everything in between. 

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