How To Prevent Children From Video Game Addiction
Entertainment,Family,Mental Health

How To Prevent Children From Video Game Addiction

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out advice from experts at for how I can prevent my children from developing a video game addiction.

Growing up, like many of us, I loved video games. Many an idle hour would be spent playing Crash Bandicoot on the Playstation or Sims on my computer. My parents definitely worried that my brother and I were wasting too much time playing games and I always found it annoying. Games were just for fun and I needed to relax!

Now I’m the parent, I have a slightly different perspective. Having grown up with video games, I can see a massive benefit. When my children play a game on the Playstation together I think there is very little difference to when they play a boardgame together. It’s fun, they chat, they squabble, they play. It’s normal child culture and you’re only young once, gaming is great. However, gaming culture is very different now to when I was young. Gaming is much more immersive and all consuming, and the risk of losing the real world to the meta one is ever growing.

I want to protect my children the best I can, while still letting them blow off steam and play games. So, to guide me in how best I can achieve that, experts at cybersecurity expert Lauren Mak of sent me some information for how I can prevent my children from developing video game addiction.

Video Game Addiction

The world of online gaming is constantly growing and has become extremely popular among younger generations over the past decade. While children can benefit from socialization, observational and problem-solving skills, and online gaming, addiction can develop if time is not strictly controlled.

In the hope that parents and guardians will be able to allow their children to enjoy online gaming without suffering negative consequences, cybersecurity expert Lauren Mak of has compiled some of the best advice on how to identify gaming addictions in children and how to prevent them.

Warning signs of gaming addiction:

• A lack of interest in things they used to be interested in and a desire to only engage in gaming activities—this can prevent a child from pursuing other hobbies in which they might excel and even pursue a career.

• Withdrawal symptoms include irritability, hostility, mood swings, impatience, depression, anxiety, and anger when not gaming, even for short periods.

• A lack of concern for personal care: Inability to take care of one’s personal hygiene and insomnia can have a negative impact on a child’s ability to cope with day-to-day activities and even lead to eating disorders.

• Lack of compassion which can make it difficult for the child to form healthy social connections with others and can result in serious mental health issues.

Reasons for video game addiction

It’s easy to try to find one reason why kids and teens become addicted to video games, but there may be more than one. Gaming may be introduced to children at an early age; For instance, playing games like Minecraft and Animal Crossing can introduce kids to gaming. As the youngster ages and further developed, they look for additional difficult, connecting with games to move onto.

The stories and graphics of video games can also entice children to use them as a means of escape from real life. In addition, children with attention deficit disorders or high levels of anxiety may be more likely to develop an addiction to video games.

How to prevent and treat video game addiction in children and adolescents:

1. First, talk to your child and try to figure out every problem and symptom they might be having. Spend some time figuring out their symptoms and saying you want to make a plan for helping them overcome.

2. Practice what you preach and encourage moderation in screen time and screen use. Assuming you are attempting to urge your kid to invest less energy on the web, guarantee you do likewise; This will demonstrate to them that offline time can be just as exciting as online time.

3. Keep an eye on how your child behaves when he or she is not playing video games and offer support as needed. Doing activity or something animating to the cerebrum will have their psyche off gaming in a matter of moments

4. Parental controls are always an option; although it sounds intrusive. You can allow your child to spend time online, but only for limited periods, if you keep an eye on how they play games. Be honest with the child and let them know that they still have the right to privacy, but that doing so will ultimately be to their advantage.

5. Positivity in gaming: Although it may seem counterintuitive, expressing an interest in gaming could encourage healthier choices and make people more sympathetic to your wishes.

Online Gaming

A expert explained that, despite the fact that online gaming can be a great way for children and teenagers to improve their cognitive skills, social awareness, and creativity, there is a possibility that the child will develop an addiction as a result of playing too much online.

Keep in mind that while you want your adolescent or young adult to have fun and explore online gaming, you also want them to be safe and develop healthy online habits without invading their privacy.

If you think your child is at risk for a gaming addiction, you are not alone. There are always safe and healthy ways to prevent, detect, and stop it. Because of this, these are excellent examples of what to look for in a child who enjoys online gaming and how to get started breaking an addiction that could be taking over your lives.

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