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UK Industries Where Women Are Most Successful

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On the JJ Barnes blog, I check out research from Reboot Online into the industries in the UK where women are most successful.

As part of their plans for the new year, almost 1 in 10 Brits are looking for a new job. However, it cannot be denied that women continue to face obstacles to advancement in the UK workforce. Reboot, a search marketing company, wanted to know which UK industry women are doing well in in the future. Using the most recent information from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), they assessed female bonuses, gender pay disparity, and female representation in higher positions.

Extraterritorial Organizations

With a final index score of 7.45 out of 10, search marketing company Reboot can reveal that Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies is the industry where women in the UK are thriving the most. The activities of international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations are included in this subclass. Since 35.05 percent of women in the industry hold higher positions of leadership, this sector also has high levels of female leadership.

Water Industry

The industries of water supply, sewage treatment, and waste management come in second place with an average score of 7.2 out of 10.

Human Health

With a score of 7.07, the human health and social work activities that represent industries like residential nursing, child day care, dental practice activities, and hospital activities come in second. Females make up a whopping 76.07% of this workforce. Due to the fact that 63.71 percent of those in positions of power are women, this industry also sees an increase in the number of women in managerial positions.

Construction Industry

The construction industry comes in at number four, which is next. It should not come as a surprise that only 14.66% of workers in this typically male-dominated industry are women. However, what should come as a surprise is that women are paid 17.68% more than men on average, and the highest percentage of women on our list received bonuses between July and September 2022.

Real Estate

The real estate industry also ranks fourth. Despite the fact that women hold 43.13 percent of power positions, there is still a significant pay gap between the sexes in this sector, with women earning 31.12% less than men.

Insurance And Finance

One of the highest percentages on our list is the 1.32 percent of women employed in the insurance and finance industries who received bonuses. 12.72 percent of women employed in this sector hold positions of authority. The gender pay gap hurts women, as it does in the vast majority of industries, with a pay gap of 22.81% between men and women.

Gender Pay Gap

Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel has the highest pay for women compared to men, with a whopping 36% pay increase over men. Maids, cooks, gardeners, and babysitters are among the jobs in this sector. The construction, mining, and quarrying industries are next, where women typically earn more than men.


According to Naomi Aharony, CEO and co-founder of the search marketing company Reboot, the final ranking is encouraging because nine out of the 21 industries analyzed scored above five for women’s opportunities. One of the many issues that are being addressed in the workplace is the gender pay gap across all industries. Therefore, it is very interesting to see a male-dominated industry like construction pay female employees 17.68% more. However, there is still a great deal of work to be done to normalize gender equality and improve the working environment for women.


  1. Reboot conducted this study with the aim of identifying the industry that women thrive in the most. This study analyses quarterly data estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) for July to September 2022 based on a sample of 69437 individuals.  
  2. The dataset was sourced from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which conducts studies of the employment circumstances of the UK population through the The Labour Force Survey (LFS).
  3. Our sample was filtered by employment status focusing on employees, self-employed, government scheme and unpaid family workers. 
  4. An index was constructed to measure and identify industries with most female representation, proportion of females in high positions compared to men (Managers, Directors and Senior Officials), the % of women in each industry that are in a position of power, the number of  females that received bonuses, and lowest gender pay gap.
  5. The gender pay gap difference has been calculated based on the average gross hourly pay and taking into account the female and male average hourly pay.
  6. The LFS data was collected on a sample of population, to convert this information to give estimates for the population, the *Weighting variables provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) along with the LFS dataset itself have been used.
  7. To conclude the research, a final score was established by neutralising the data using the average percentrank.inc function and giving an average weighted score for each industry.
  8. The category ‘Other Service Activities industry’ was excluded due to its broad nature.

*weighting variables are PWT20 and PIWT20 for person weight and person wage weight. For each row in raw data, the weight can be thought of as the number of people with those attributes. 

*The average hourly pay for women has been subtracted by the average hourly pay for men and divided by the average hourly pay for women.

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