I'm Ready For Sunshine, Sparkles And Spring Fashion

I’m Ready For Sunshine, Sparkles And Spring Fashion

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I share why I’m ready for Spring, and why Spring fashion is the absolute queen of fashion choices!

Changing Seasons

I’m a notorious lover of seasons. Whichever season is coming in, I’m eager for the change. Whichever season is leaving, I’m keen to see it off. And now is no different.

I love Winter. Christmas, hot water bottles, dark nights with candles burning, snuggles with blankets. At least, that’s how I feel as Autumn’s grey drizzle turns into crisp frosty mornings. Come February, I’m cold, grumpy, and longing for the sunshine.

While we’ve had an odd amount of snow, and some thrashing rain, have finally started getting those glorious peeks of sunshine, flowers beginning to bud, and pink blossoms adorning the trees that we walk under with our slightly chubby Spaniel. My girls are walking home from school with their coats off, our thoughts are turning to the idea of afternoon barbeques, and my fashion choices are changing from thick flannel shirts to bright floral fun!

Spring Fashion

Spring fashion is superior to Summer fashion. Summer makes me sweaty. My thighs rub together, I get under-boob sweat, and I’d rather sit around in my pants than wear anything, but then my bum sticks to the sofa and it hurts when I stand up.

But Spring? Spring fashion is fantastic. Spring fashion includes enough clothes that you feel covered up and don’t expose your skin to hot, sticky surfaces or worry about getting burned, but not so many clothes that you fabulous new top is covered up by a wooly jumper and thermal coat. Spring fashion means letting the sunshine warm your arms without turning your armpits into mushroom growing sweat swamps.

Spring Jewellery

I take after my mother in many ways, and a big one is that I’m a total magpie. I love pretty, shiny, sparkly things. I have jewellery boxes full of everything from chunky plastic costume jewellery to antique rings I inherited from my grandmothers and keep precious and safe. I love dressing up for parties or events and wearing something glitzy and dramatic. However, most of the time, I’m a busy working mum and big dramatic jewellery just gets in the way, however much it appeals to my magpie instincts.

So, I wanted to find some jewellery that would both allow me to embrace the wonderful changing season, but also not get in my way. Something pretty enough to satisfy my magpie urges, but not so big that it gets tangled in my six year old’s hair when she’s clambering on me.

But what? What is both sunny and bright, but simple and neat?

Daisy Bloom

I am beyond thrilled to have found the Daisy Bloom set from Daisy London. Their silver jewellery range is full of glorious sparkles, some bright and big, some neat and small, and all fabulous. But the daisy bloom designs are absolutely everything I was looking for.

The pretty shape appeals to my need to welcome in the sunshine and enjoy the burgeoning flowers in my garden, and I get to feel pretty and glitzy, but I can still climb around with my children and hurt neither them nor myself, and without damaging the jewellery.

Plus, this little set will stay in the right style for my tastes as Spring transitions into the heat of Summer (by which time I’ll have forgotten my hatred of sweaty heat and be ready for padding pools and hot nights in pub gardens).

The six year old thinks the best things, however, are the lovely little cotton bags that the jewellery boxes arrived in. Squeals of delight erupted as she quickly grabbed them and scurried off to present to her dolls as their new favourite shopping bags.

Are you ready for Spring?

Are you a lover of changing seasons like me, or do you have a particular favourite? Do you change up your style to suit your seasonal mood or do you have an aesthetic you stick to loyally, regardless of what the weather is doing?

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