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Health And Beauty

Royal Beauty Trends On A Budget

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, as more and more of us are searching for royal beauty trends, I check out how to get the look of royalty on a budget!

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Royal Beauty

Let’s face it, royals always seem to exude an effortless kind of elegance. Their glowing skin, flawless makeup, and perfectly coiffed hair leave us mere mortals wondering: what’s the secret? Do they spend thousands of pounds a day to look perfect? Probably. Do they have access to a team of fairies sprinkling them with beauty dust? Quite possibly. But really, the questions is whether there is a more attainable option for us regular folk.

Fear not, budget-conscious beauty lovers! This post is here to decode the secrets of royal beauty and show you how to achieve a similar look without breaking the bank. I’ll explore affordable and practical tips and tricks to help you recreate that royal glow, all without feeling like royalty is out of reach for your wallet.

Get ready to embrace your inner princess (or prince!), all on a budget that wouldn’t faze a corgi-loving monarch. Let’s dive in!

To help me out, experts at beauty and wellness marketplace Fresha have sent over some top tips with the support of recent Google Trends data.

Royal Beauty Trends On A Budget

Neutral Tones

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton displayed subtle yet beautiful eye makeup on their royal wedding day which they have continued to exhibit on their public appearances. Worldwide searches for ‘neutral eyeshadow’ have increased by 123%. indicating the natural make up trend is continuing to rise.

The key to this is to use neutral eye shadow tones from hazel brown to a rosy pink. This can achieve a perfect soft smoky eye over the lids and in the creases; this creates a simple yet bold look that will make your eyes pop.

Princess Diana used to pair soft eye makeup with a simple liner on the lower waterline and over the rim of her top lashes to compliment the light makeup tones; her unique beauty hack was to blend her eyeliner with a cotton Q-tip to create a softer appearance, this being a simple yet affordable way to achieve the perfect lined eye.

Simple Blush

Princess Diana swore by a simple cream blush to help enhance the colour of her cheeks and create a more youthful, shinier look. Diana reportedly suffered from rosacea, a long-term inflammatory skin condition that can cause reddened skin, typically on the nose and cheeks. The princess tackled this by using rose oils and avocado masks to soften the colour on her cheeks and create a more subtle look with her chosen cream blush.

Meghan Markle is a major trendsetter of the rosy cheek look and swears by a classic powder blush in a light pink shade; she accompanies her blush with a light layer of foundation and powder to accentuate her natural beauty.

Nude Nails

One of the most notable rules in the royal family is that bright nail polish is a no-go for public appearances, and in many cases when it comes to natural beauty, less is more.

Queen Elizabeth had been sporting nude colours on her nails since the 80s, and the royals after Her Majesty have followed in her traditions.

A nude nail polish is a simple but effective touch that will match every outfit or makeup look, and worldwide searches for ‘nude nail polish’ have risen by 28% over the past 30 days, so it’s undoubtedly on-trend.

Natural Oils

Skincare is crucial in a beauty routine as it creates the base that will support your makeup. Throughout her pregnancies and in her daily regime, Kate Middleton relies on rosehip oil to help prevent dark circles around her eyes and signs of early ageing. Middleton’s mother Carole has also included rosehip oil into her daily beauty routine after the successful results it has brought to Kate’s skin, and beauty enthusiasts appear to be following suit too, with a 26% increase in searches worldwide for ‘rosehip oil’ over the past 30 days.

As well as this, glycolic acid is one of Meghan Markle’s go-to products as it creates a glowing appearance and soft, supple skin. However, if this isn’t suitable for your skin, face oils are loaded with high-quality nutrients and natural acids, making them an excellent option to keep the skin healthier for longer.

Long, Curled Lashes

Sometimes, the simplest techniques are the most effective, and Meghan Markle doesn’t miss a trick by ensuring that she alwaysan eyelash curler before any other makeup application. From her acting days to her time with the royal family, she finds curling her lashes makes her appearance livelier and brightens her eyes without the need for intense mascara.

Diana also picked up a few hacks from her makeup artist, Mary Greenwell; when applying mascara, she covered the root of her lashes with the product to elongate the appearance of her eyelashes and give them a more striking appearance, accentuating her piercing blue eyes.


A good moisturiser can be key to achieving a royal, dewy, skin glow. Princess Diana would always cleanse, tone, and moiturise twice a day to keep her skin looking fresh and would always ensure her makeup was fully removed to avoid skin irritation.

Kate Middleton religiously uses moisturiser, whether she is wearing makeup or opting for a bare face, and she always applies an SPF moisturiser to protect herself from potentially harmful UV rays.

Although it may not seem essential to wear SPF when the weather is cold and the sun isn’t shining, the UV rays can still cause damage by seeping through clouds, so this is a vital skincare step.

Inner Beauty

Your choice of diet is imperative when it comes to healthy skin. A well-balanced diet can help clear up and prevent any bad skin, and the royals stick to reliable eating hacks to help protect themselves from blemishes or imperfections.

Princess Diana had a strict diet of no sugar, gluten, or dairy and consumed mostly boiled potatoes and chicken to achieve flawless skin. Meghan Markle gets her Vitamin E and Zinc intake from the almonds she includes in her diet to keep her skin nourished and clear. As for Kate Middleton, she includes lean proteins and lots of fruit and vegetables in her diet to help maintain good skin, as well as consuming many raw foods such as sushi and ceviche.

Trend Setters

The royal family are certainly trend-setters when it comes to a natural beauty regime. With all of the royal weddings and appearances, it’s interesting to discover how the women of the family achieve their looks through the simplest of techniques.

From Diana’s cotton bud hack to following a balanced diet, the royals have mastered a natural radiant appearance. Stripping back on the amount of makeup you apply and adjusting your skincare routine are just a few small adjustments you can make to look and feel like a royal.

-A spokesperson from Fresha


I hope that by embracing these tips and tricks, you can cultivate a polished and elegant look that gives you the royal confidence you deserve. Remember, true beauty transcends trends and expensive products. It’s about finding what makes you feel good and owning your unique style.

So, don your metaphorical crown, hold your head high, and remember: you are royalty in your own right. Now, go forth and conquer your day, whether it involves a boardroom meeting, a school run, or an evening out with friends. And who knows, you might just inspire your own set of royal beauty trends along the way!

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