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Top Tips To Declutter In Ten Minutes

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out top tips to declutter in ten minutes from experts at Meble Furniture so I can feel less overwhelmed and get control of my house.

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Like most parents, my house is full of children’s toys, treasured artwork, books and games. With three children with three different sets of interests, and not a massive amount of space, it feels like I am facing a daily tsunami of clutter that threatens to tip both my house, and my sanity, into a void of chaos.

I work hard, and the times I’m not working I want to actually spend with my family not running around like Cinderella trying to keep on top of all the tidying, so I’m constantly feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. I’m not doing enough, I’m doing too much, I need to relax, I can’t afford to relax. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day is to spend hours tidying up or scrambling when an unexpected guest visit arises.

Because of these feelings, I decided to get some advice. To help me achieve a fake clutter-freehome, Raf Michalowski, an interior design expert at Meble Furniture, sent over his top tips to declutter in ten minutes.

Raf is convinced that faking a clutter-free home in ten minutes is possible, and with some practice, you might even manage to reduce that time!

Three Second Rule

The three second cleaning up rule is easy; choose whether to keep something in three seconds or less. If you’re unsure after three seconds, keep it because you’re not ready to let it go.

Overthinking and feeling overwhelmed puts people off cleaning up. Giving a three second time rule to every thing empowers you to make speedy, natural choices without a lot overthinking.

Take One Room At A Time

Focusing on one room at a time helps you focus on your items so you can decide how many things should keep so you can prevent the space from getting cluttered up again

When tackling your kitchen, start by taking away any non-kitchen items and rubbish. Clear away things like a nail file or socks off the counter, and throw away any rubbish to declutter the space.

Focus On What You Need Right Now

For a quick and effective decluttering, focus on the areas you spend the most time in, or need to use right at that moment. If it’s it is the end of the night and you want to relax on the sofa, tidy up the living room. If you have surprise guests coming over for lunch, you clean up the dining room.

By not forcing yourself to do everything all at once, you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the pressure and can just get one room straight. This means you’ll feel accomplished and be able to actually relax in the freshly tidied space, rather than stressing about all the other tasks you could be doing.

Gather The Clutter

Work fast and gather the clutter into specific spaces. Since your guests will only spend time in limited spots, you can take unorganized items and store them away out of sight. This includes any unopened mail, chargers, or toys!

Using decorative baskets in the living areas can help to hide clutter in a stylish way. If you don’t have any decorative baskets, gather items in a laundry basket and place it in a room that the guests will not be entering.


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Open the Windows and Light a Candle

Let some fresh air in to top the air feeling musty and give your home a fresh, natural scent. To make your rooms smell particularly lovely, light a scented candle to set a good mood, create a festive atmosphere, and eliminate any bad smells.

Empty the Rubbish Bin

Take out your rubbish to get rid of unpleasant smells and so your guests don’t have to see the unsightly bin.

Make sure to remove not only the kitchen rubbish bin but the bathroom rubbish bin as well.


Wipe Down Surfaces

It just requires a moment to wipe down your surfaces, however having clean surfaces gives your home an appealing look.

Organise The Dirty Dishes

Nobody likes seeing dirty dishes in the sink or scattered around the house, so stack them in your dishwasher to hide them from view.

If you cannot hide dirty dishes, stack them and place them on the counter or stovetop. Turning off the lights in the kitchen can keep dirty dishes from view.


Don’t Skip The Bathroom

Quickly clean your toilet and wipe down your bathroom surfaces in case any guests need to use the loo. Don’t forget to pick up any clothes you have lying around and add a fresh, clean hand towel.


Give your floors a quick vacuum, especially the areas with a lot of foot traffic. If you are in a rush, just vacuum the noticeable areas, like the entrance or the living room, or wherever it is you’re planning to spend time.

Clean The Front Door

Clearing down your front door and shaking off your front mat gets rid of excess dirt. This gives a perfect initial feeling to your visitors, establishing the vibe for a clean home once they enter. Make sure to check for cobwebs as well!


Taking one room at a time and only doing the things that really are essential in that moment will stop me from feeling overwhelmed. Right now, I look at the house as a whole and see how much stuff I have to take on, and it exhausts me before I even begin and I end up feeling too emotional and drained to tackle it. But cutting myself some slack and making space where needed will help me keep on top of things and give me the energy to get the job done.

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