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Eating These Foods Keeps A Healthy Gut

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips from experts at Human Tonik for which foods I should to help keep a healthy gut.

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Data from Google Trends found that searches for “gut health” has increased by 2900% in the UK throughout the course of recent years. Because I don’t know much about how to tell if I have a healthy gut, and what I should be eating to make sure I do, the experts at Human Tonik sent over some research to guide me!

Healthy Gut

According to the health experts at the superfood supplement store Human Tonik, numerous health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and even anxiety, can be exacerbated by an unhealthy gut. They have identified five foods that can help you have a healthier gut, which could be good for your health as a whole. 

Ginger Supplement


Ginger is a superfood with surprising advantages for health. It can assist with congestion, reduce indigestion and even help with weight loss. Gingeringer can also be used to help an upset stomach and other digestive issues, and support a healthy gut. 

The natural compound gingerol, which can be found in fresh ginger, is loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can assist in restoring gut balance. Ginger additionally promotes digestion, meaning food doesn’t stick around in your gut for too long.

Ginger can be incorporated into your diet in a variety of ways. Add chopped ginger to your tea or high temp water in the mornings, or you can blend it into a smoothie. If you’d prefer take supplements, ginger capsules can be taken every day to improve gut health.


Bananas are another food that can add to improved gut health. Inulin, a fiber found in bananas, is a substance that helps the gut’s good bacteria grow. Inulin is a prebiotic that can help create a microbiome and give fuel to good bacteria to live in your stomach. Eating foods high in inulin can help your good bacteria to carrying out functions that help maintain a healthy gut.

Bananas are rich source of fructooligosaccharides, which work as a probiotic and advance the growth of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, which helps digestion.

Bananas’ carbohydrates are also simple to break down. Bananas are gentle enough to eat if you have stomach problems, and restores lost electrolytes back into the body. A single banana or two a day can significantly improve gut health. 


Yogurt is probably the first fodod you think of when you want to improve your gut health. Yogurt, which is high in probiotics—live microorganisms that maintain the health of the gut microbiome—can help with digestive issues like bloating. 

Your digestion is improved, harmful organisms that can cause infections are blocked, and your immune system is strengthened when the bacteria in your gut are in the right balance. Yogurt can also help your body in absorbing important nutrients.

However, not all yogurt contains live probiotics; therefore, read the label and look for yogurt that does. The best yogurt is low-sugar, high-protein yogurt.

Old India Masur Dal (Red Lentils)


Lentils are a versatile food that are high in iron, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and resistant starches, which are excellent for the health of the digestive tract.

Carbohydrates that do not break down into sugar and are not absorbed by the small intestine are known as resistant starches. They go through a large portion of the stomach related framework unaltered, generally maturing in the colon. They then decrease the pH level in the colon to assist with establishing a climate where good bacteria flourish.

There are numerous ways of adding lentils to your diet. You can add them to your soup, pasta, and mixed greens, cook them with chicken or fish, or serve them as a side dish.


Almonds have a lot of fiber, which can make more butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that helps the gut stay healthy. A daily intake of a few almonds can benefit our overall gut health. 

Gut bacteria produce butyrate, which is beneficial to digestive health. It boosts the production of mucin, a gel-like substance that covers the gut and keeps it healthy, and it encourages the growth of villi, which are tiny extrusions that line the intestines. 

However, due to their fat content, almonds should only be consumed in moderation, even though a handful per day is recommended for gut health. A great way to incorporate almonds into your diet is by adding them to yogurt or smoothies for breakfast. 

 Unealthy Gut Symptoms

The Human Tonik team has also revealed the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy cut for those who are interested in learning how to improve their gut health. If you experience any of these symptoms, you could have a go at adding some gut health improving foods to your diet.

  1. Upset stomach – this could include gas, bloating, and even acid reflux
  2. Unexplained weight changes – Gaining or losing weight. An imbalanced stomach can make it challenging for your body to control glucose and store fat.
  3. Fatigue -Poor gut health can cause broken sleep cycles, which might cause extreme feelings of fatigue.
  4. Skin issues – Poor gut health can add to problems with eczema, psoriasis, skin inflammation other skin conditions


While I’ve always considered healthy eating and what food I can eat to improve my health, I’ve never really put much thought into specifically gut health. But these tips have definitely given me a few ideas for whatI can do and why it matters!

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