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Experts Answer THESE Fitness Questions

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I take a look at the most asked fitness questions on Google, and get answers from sports nutrition experts at Bulk, so I can learn how to get the most out of my workout.

I’ve had a very hit and miss relationship with fitness and exercise over the years. At times in my life I’ve found myself spending hours and hours at the gym, often as a way of coping with stress. When I was going through my divorce, I was a daily gym bunny and ended up with a six pack.

Now, I have a much less passionate approach. I gave up my gym membership, and I lost my six pack, but I still care about my weight and wellbeing. I love my weighted hula hoop, I walk for miles, and I take care to eat a healthy and balanced diet, so I don’t think I’m doing too badly. However, I know I’m not an expert and I definitely want to get the most out of what I do.

So, I decided to check out the most asked fitness questions on Google, and get answers from some genuine experts to see what I can learn about my own fitness plans.

Fitness Questions

You can learn a lot about fitness on your own, and doing so isn’t just for newbies. Even if you have a lot of experience working out, learning more about exercise can make your routine better, make it easier to see results faster, and even get rid of any bad habits you may have developed. However, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to know.

Fortunately, experts in sports nutrition like Bulk have taken a look at most frequently asked questions about workouts on Google and provided advice to help you reach your fitness goals.

What should I eat before working out?

“What should I eat before working out?” takes the lead as the fitness-related question that gets the most searches.

If you plan on working out for a long time, it’s best to eat about two to three hours before you exercise. Protein-rich meals before a workout can boost muscle protein synthesis, the process by which your cells make protein; This nutrient is abundant in chicken breast and poached eggs. 

Choose whole-wheat toast or pasta with whole grains for your pre-workout meal because they provide your body with the fuel it needs to exercise at high intensity. However, if you like to exercise early in the morning before work, for instance, eating two to three hours before your workout isn’t always possible. Instead, a small serving of Greek yogurt with whole grain cereal will provide your body with both protein and carbohydrates without making you feel sluggish.

What does pre exercise do?

“What does pre exercise do?” likewise, “What is pre-workout?” take the second and third spots, individually.

Strength and endurance athletes typically take a supplement called a “pre-workout” to increase energy, boost workout performance, and encourage muscle growth. Caffeine, carbohydrates, and creatine monohydrate are common ingredients. It can be taken as pills, powders to mix with a drink, or even with protein supplements. 

Consuming pre-workout food between 30 and 60 minutes before your workout will give you more energy to exercise harder and for longer periods of time and can help you build muscle.

What to eat after an exercise?

“What to eat after an exercise?” is the fourth most researched search term around working out.

Protein is the most important nutrient for muscle mass gain after exercise; especially assuming your exercises comprise of heaps of hard work and strength preparing. To continue growing tissues, your body needs a lot of protein to build and repair them. The anabolic window—the brief period immediately following exercise when your body is repairing and recovering—is known to be the best time to consume a protein supplement or high-protein food for optimal results. 

Additionally, it is essential to keep in mind that the recommended daily intake of protein for muscle gain is 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. After working out, having carbohydrates and protein will help you recover faster and replenish the muscle glycogen that you burned during the exercise.

How many exercises are there in a workout?

“How many exercises are there in a workout?” ranks fifth among the most frequently asked questions about fitness.

The suggested number of activities per exercise ranges between 4-8 with each exercise comprising of 2-3 arrangements of 8-12 reps, yet there are conditions that can decide the number of you do. For instance, if you train your upper and lower bodies on the same day, you might complete four exercises for each muscle group, which would make eight exercises in total. However, if you only focus on your legs, you might only complete four exercises in total. 

Additionally, keep in mind that for muscle endurance, more reps at a lower weight are recommended while fewer reps at a higher weight are recommended for building strength and muscle mass. 

How frequently should I exercise?

“How frequently should I exercise?” comes in 6th on the rundown of the most researched questions regarding fitness.

To maintain good health, a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity are recommended, spread out over four to five days or even every day. However, ultimately, it comes down to your fitness objectives and planned exercises. For instance, if you want to work on your upper and lower body as well as your cardio, you might find that you need to work out every day and exercise for several hours each week. 

It is important to keep in mind that it is not recommended to concentrate on the same muscle group every day because doing so could result in exhaustion, soreness, and injury. Ideally, you should train each muscle group between two and three days per week and wait at least 48 hours before training the same area again.


Bulk’s spokesperson explained that there is so much more to working out than just going to the gym. Assuming you’re keen to arrive at your fitness objectives, it’s vital to know it all from food to the recommended workout length, however it can appear to be overwhelming.

Given the time of year, many people may have only recently joined a gym as part of their New Year’s resolution, so it’s important to learn everything you can about it to make sure every workout goes well.

Bulk.com, which is founded on the belief that sport, health, fitness, and nutrition are for everyone – regardless of who you are, what you do, or how you do it – carried out the research.

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