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Yoga Expert Shares How To Fix Tech Neck

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, yoga expert Erika Weiss shares a five-minute fix for the lower neck pain and stiffness known as ‘tech neck’ to help reduce neck pain while using smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

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I spend a lot of time hunched over my computer, whether I’m writing a book or an article or answering hundreds of emails, so it’s no surprise that I’ve developed a condition known as tech neck. Luckily it’s not too bad right now, but I’m certainly stiff and sore around the base of my neck and across my shoulders, and I know that in bad cases it can lead to headaches, blurred vision, and difficulty sleeping.

I’ve tried a few different things to try and relieve the pain, but so far it’s not getting better, so, to help me out, Erika Weiss, a wellness expert at ISSA Yoga, had sent over her top tips for how to fix tech neck with yoga.

Tech Neck

According to Google Trends, the nation’s concerns around poor posture appear to have skyrockets, as UK searches for ‘tech neck’ have risen by 98% in the last month alone. Searches for ‘sore neck’ are also up by a fifth (20%).  

Erika Weiss advises that many of us will only realize how bad our posture has become when we take a break from work to enjoy the summer sun. Just like some people get poorly once they stop working for a holiday, other people will realize that their job has had a detrimental effect on their posture, leaving them with lower neck and upper back pain.  This is especially true for people who work at their desk for long periods of time without interruption, or those who work remotely so are less likely to take breaks (like me).

If you’re getting frequent headaches, pain between the shoulder blades, a stiff or immovable neck – and even jaw pain, it’s a sign that your bad posture is starting to take a toll and cause tech neck. If that sounds like you, Erika says there are some easy ways to help during work hours.

How To Fix Tech Neck

Ergonomic Set Up

Firstly, recognise the importance of an ergonomic set-up by raising your devices so that they’re on eye-level to make you more likely to sit up straight.  If you feel yourself starting to slump when you’re concentrating or reading, try to take a break, and avoid rolling your shoulders forward or stretching out your neck to look at your screen.

The same is true for activities involving devices when you’re not at work, such as swapping a handheld games console for an eye-level computer monitor or TV to encourage you to sit up straight.  


Yoga is a great way of helping to reduce back or neck pain as it works to stretch out and relax the muscles that have become tense during the day.  

Focus on low-impact moves that bend your spine without causing unnecessary stress to your sore muscles, as the goal is to strengthen them, not strain them.  

Erika, from the ISSA Yoga and Wellness Academy, explained that yoga newbies often make the mistake of rushing into it by following the most common or most popular routines without considering whether they’re suitable, which can exacerbate back issues and cause more pain.

Simple Yoga Moves

Unless you’re experienced, Erika recommends you don’t push yourself too much, and use the following moves to alleviate neck and upper back pain:

Neck Pain

Standing Forward Bend

Beneficial for relieving stress, this pose, also known as ‘Uttanasana’, also stretches your hamstrings. Start in the Raised Hands Pose before sweeping your arms down on either side and folding forwards from your hips. Bring your fingertips in line with the toes, and press your palms flat. Let your head hand loosely and inhale slowly on the way back up. 

Warrior II Pose

Start in the Mountain Pose and take a big step back with your left leg, toes pointing inwards. Press your feet down, and firm your legs before raising your arms outwards parallel to the floor. Make sure that you keep your shoulders down to lengthen your neck and bend your right knee so that it aligns above your ankle. Press down through your toes to promote balance and hold.   

Extended Triangle Pose

To come into this pose, stand facing the long side of your mat with your feet apart. Turn your right foot out so that your toes point to the short edge of the mat, and turn your left toes in. Roll your right thigh out before extending your body and lifting your arms parallel to the floor. Point your left arm to the ceiling and ensure your neck aligns with your spine.   

Upper Back Pain

Cat Pose

Also known as Marjaryasana, you should start on your hands and knees (on all fours) with knees under the hips and wrists in line with your shoulders. Spread your fingers and pull your stomach in as you exhale, bringing your waist up and rounding out your spine. Actively push against the floor to feel the stretch in your back before relaxing on the inhale to return to a neutral position. 

Thread the Needle

Start on all fours and stack your hips directly above your knees, with your elbows, shoulders, and wrists in a straight line to the ground. Lift your right hand up and follow it with your gaze, and follow your right hand down as you thread it beneath your left arm. Keep your hips high and lower your chest to the ground. Hold the position for as long as you need before switching sides.  


If you’re suffering from tech neck, yoga is a great way to relieve that neck pain, but it can also improve your overall health. It’s important to start slowly and listen to your body, so if you feel any pain, stop the pose and try something different. But remember, if you can’t find a comfortable position then it’s worth going to a professional because you don’t want to do more harm than good.

With regular yoga practice, you should start to see your posture improve, the tech neck pain improving, and a boost in your energy levels!

So what are you waiting for? Give yoga a try today!

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