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Do Indie Authors Need PR?

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I ask do indie authors need PR, and explore what PR agencies can do for you and your book.

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Congratulations! You’ve poured your heart and soul into your book, and now it’s out in the world. But amidst the initial excitement, a crucial question arises: Do indie authors need PR?

As editor of The Table Read Magazine, I spend my days diving into fantastic stories and collaborating with authors to ensure my readers can discover their work. We offer a platform for talented voices to be heard no matter your budget, but let’s be honest, the publishing landscape can be a noisy one.

So, the burning question arises: In this age of self-publishing, do indie authors absolutely need PR? While our magazine is a fantastic way to showcase your work, there’s a whole world beyond our pages waiting to be captivated by your story. PR can be the key that unlocks that wider audience.

The answer, like most things in the publishing world, isn’t a simple yes or no. It depends on several factors, including your budget, genre, and publishing goals. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide what’s right for you.

Do Indie Authors Need PR?

PR firms go beyond securing book reviews. They’re skilled storytellers who craft compelling narratives around your book and you as the author. They can help you land media placements – interviews on podcasts, features in online publications, or even segments on local news channels. This exposure broadens your reach, introducing your book to a whole new audience who might not have found it otherwise.

Building Buzz

A well-executed PR campaign can generate a wave of positive buzz around your book. This buzz can attract the attention of reviewers and bloggers, leading to a wider range of critical evaluations and recommendations. Additionally, securing placements in established publications lends an air of credibility to your work, enticing readers who trust the judgment of these outlets.

The Ascot Media Advantage

Take Ascot Media, for instance. This PR powerhouse specializes in crafting personalized campaigns for indie authors. They understand the unique challenges you face and tailor their efforts to maximize your impact. From developing a captivating press kit to securing interviews with relevant media outlets across the UK, Europe and USA, Ascot Media goes the extra mile to get your book noticed.

The good news? I’ve partnered with Ascot Media to offer my amazing readers an exclusive 10% discount on their PR services! Simply mention JJ-10% when you contact Ascot Media for a consultation, and watch your book gain the traction it deserves.

The Case Against Indie Author PR

Budget Considerations: Hiring a professional PR firm can be expensive. Carefully weigh the cost against your potential return on investment (ROI).

Genre Impact: The need for PR can vary by genre. Some genres, like literary fiction, might benefit more than others, like romance or thrillers, where reader communities often drive discovery.

How To Do Your Own Indie Author PR

If hiring a PR company like Ascot Media is too expensive, even with the exclusive JJ-10% discount code, then fear not because the internet has made doing your own PR more feasible than ever. While you might not reach as far as the professionals, there are still ways you can get attention on our work without feeling like you’re screaming into the void.

Embrace The Power Of Online Communities

Social Media Savvy: Utilize platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with readers. Share captivating snippets from your book, engage in discussions about your genre, and participate in relevant online communities.

The Blogosphere: Guest blogging on established blogs within your genre is a fantastic way to reach a targeted audience. Offer insightful articles or guest posts related to your book’s themes. Contact me at The Table Read Magazine and feature your work there with blog posts, interviews and videos.

Reader Engagement: Don’t underestimate the power of reader interaction! Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in online discussions about your book. This builds a sense of community and keeps readers engaged.

Become A Networking Ninja

Connect with Book Bloggers and Reviewers: Research book bloggers and reviewers who focus on your genre. Craft a personalized email introducing yourself and your book, and politely request a review.

Fellow Indie Authors, Unite!: Collaboration is key! Partner with other indie authors for joint promotions, online events, or social media campaigns. This expands your reach and taps into each other’s audiences.

Local is Lit: Don’t forget the power of your local community! Contact bookstores, libraries, or literary organizations about hosting readings or book signings.

Be A Content Generator

Crafting a Compelling Website: Your website is your online hub. Ensure it’s user-friendly and includes an engaging bio, excerpts from your book, and information on purchasing options.

The Power of Press Releases: Draft well-written press releases announcing your book’s release or any upcoming events. Submit them to relevant online press release services to get your book noticed by journalists and bloggers.

Embrace Multimedia: Consider creating a book trailer, a short video showcasing your book’s concept and tone. This can be a captivating way to grab attention on social media.


Indie author PR isn’t a magic bullet, but it can be a valuable tool that is worth investing in. By understanding your needs, exploring both traditional and DIY methods, and focusing on your unique strengths, you can craft a PR strategy that propels your book towards success.

Remember, the most important PR you can do is write an exceptional book! With a captivating story and a dedicated work ethic, you can build a loyal readership, one reader at a time.

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