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How Seasonal Foods Can Boost Your Health And Save Your Wallet

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out advice from the food experts at Bulk about why seasonal foods are healthier and more cost effective.

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I love everything about food. I love buying it, cooking it, and definitely eating it. Because I love to cook from scratch, and I’m a vegetarian, I love to use lots of fresh vegetables in the meals I make. I also believe that eating seasonal foods is the best way to enjoy the freshest, most flavorful produce. plus it’s a great way to support local farmers and the environment.

However, I’m no expert and I would love to know more, so to help me out the experts at Bulk sent over their research into the benefits of eating seasonal food, and advice for what foods I should be looking for now.

Benefits Of Seasonal Foods

Lower Prices

When produce is in season, it grows in abundance, usually resulting in an oversupply and, therefore, lower prices. Out of season produce must be transported from other regions of the world or grown under controlled conditions, so the final selling price will rise as a result of the increased costs and upkeep associated with these processes. 


Seasonal foods are normally more saturated in nutrients contrasted with their unavailable partners. Produce that is rich in nutrients is produced by cropping these seasonal foods at the optimal time, allowing them to grow naturally. Out of season produce travels further to reach grocery stores, so artificial chemicals like pesticides and preservatives are used to extend the shelf life and prevent spoilage during transportation.


Seasonal food tastes better because it is cropped optimally, resulting in a product that is riper and sweeter. There is no need to use artificial chemicals to extend the shelf life of the produce because it is naturally growing in abundance. Chemicals are known to have a negative impact on the flavor and nutrients, plus, the produce will have had to travel less distance so it tastes fresher.

Economy and Local Farmers

A more sustainable way of life is promoted by providing support to farmers and suppliers in the area. Because growing outside of the season is more expensive, smaller farms frequently require more labor and use natural processes to grow produce. A safer supply of food and profits for your community come from supporting local farmers. And as there will be no travel expenses, produce prices are significantly reduced.

Environmentally Friendly

Since food out of season foods needs to be shipped from one region of the world to another, locally sourced produce will have a smaller impact on the environment. Pesticides are also used less, if at all, to prevent contamination of streams and ponds.

Seasonal Foods For British Summer


British tomatoes are at their peak in the summer, and they are some of the best in the world. They are juicy, flavorful, and have a deep red color. Tomatoes are a versatile vegetable that can be used in many different dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, pasta dishes, and pizzas.


Cucumbers are another popular summer vegetable in Britain. They are refreshing, crisp, and have a mild flavor. Cucumbers are often eaten raw in salads, but they can also be used in cooked dishes, such as stir-fries and curries.


Courgettes are a type of summer squash that is popular in Britain. They are green, cylindrical, and have a mild flavor. Courgettes can be eaten raw in salads, but they are also often cooked, such as grilled, roasted, or stir-fried.


Peas are a popular British vegetable that is harvested in the summer. They are sweet, tender, and have a bright green color. Peas can be eaten fresh or frozen, and they are often used in salads, soups, and stews.


Beans are a versatile vegetable that is popular in Britain in the summer. They come in many different varieties, such as runner beans, French beans, and broad beans. Beans are a good source of protein and fiber, and they can be eaten cooked or raw.


Sweetcorn is a popular summer vegetable in Britain. It is sweet, juicy, and has a bright yellow color. Sweetcorn is often grilled or roasted, and it can be eaten plain or with butter, salt, and pepper.


Experts at Bulk explained that it is abundantly clear that eating according to the seasons has numerous advantages that can benefit both consumers and suppliers. By providing a variety of nutrient-dense produce that enables individuals to experiment with novel recipes and dishes, it can also support a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

People can plan their meals ahead of time and get the most out of their weekly or biweekly grocery shopping if they know what foods to buy each month. Additionally, it may prevent customers from purchasing unhealthy, low-cost processed foods.

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